
Unzip the downloaded code from Code Canyon.
Using the terminal, issue the following command.

npm install

This will install all the required modules for your app.


  1. Create an account in Firebase, it is free.
  2. Create new project
  3. Click on the "Web" icon
  4. Copy the config part

Put the copied values in App.js around line 15

One last thing. You should open you database for public usage
In your Firebase Databes, click on rules and make it look like this.

  "rules": {
    ".read": "true",
    ".write": "true" 

Your firebase is set it up now.

Now let's add the config files separatly for your android and ios app.


Click on Add firebase to your iOS app. Enter the bundle name of your app. By default is org.reactjs.native.example.RestaurantApp. This can be changed to suit your needs but rememeber to also change in the xCode project later.

Download the GoogleService-info.plist and place it in ios->Restaurant app. Later you will drag-drop in your xCode project

Start the app

First you need to start the node server with this command

npm start

Soon as your node server is running you can start your app an preview it in simulator/emulator.

iPhone App

To run your iOS app on Mac

  1. Open the ios folder in your terminal and run pod install
cd ios
pod install

This should generate RestaurantApp.xcworkspace file in the ios folder. Open that file (white icon).

Drag and Drop the GoogleService-info.plist file to your Restaurant app, and select copy if needed.

If you run into problems, check Common problems.

Now you can run the app in your simulator or on device.

Android App

To run your android app on Windows/Linux/Mac, you need first to set environment variable that points to your Android SDK folder

Example in Mac

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/youruser/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

Downloads google-services.json from Firebase and put in android/app

Now run your app in emulator.

react-native run-android


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