iOS - Side menu and back button is not clickable

Reason: The width of the cart icon is full, and aligned to right, covering the menu ( hamburger ) and back button


  1. Open App/Navigation/NavItems.js
  2. Around line 35 remove the style of the TouchableOpacity in the function cartButton
  3. It should look like this <TouchableOpacity onPress={openCart} >

iOS - RCTWebSocket error

Reason: Based on your xCode version you can run into this problem

More info:

Solution: Remove the warning flags in the build settings like on the image bellow

iOS - Build faild due to socket-io.client

Reason: Changes of the structure of this module


1.Delete the node_modules folder.

2.In package.json set "": "1.4.8" to version 1.4.8 explicityl. Then run npm install

iOS - Build faild due to AIRMapCallout.h - React/RCTView.h

Reason: React Native version.

Solution: (fixed in 2.3)

1.Delete the node_modules folder.

2.In package.json remove react-native-maps

3.Delete App/Components/MapCallout.js and App/Components/Styles/MapCalloutStyle.js

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