Code Organization

This app was generated with the Ignite React Native. It follows all best practices for great code organization and perfect cross platform support.

All the logic of the app can be found in the "App" folder.


Think of container as a window / screen in the app.


Think of components as button, image holders, table rows


Takes care of the data structure of the app. The CardReducer stores the client cart items.


Here are the strings that can be translated to any language so your app becomes multilingual.


This app uses well knows Router Flux to bring cross platfrom routing capabilities.


In the themes folder you will find globally used properties for colors, size, padding etc. Changes done on Colors.js are affected on your app.

Styles Styles are organized in that way, so you can easily find what you want to change. In "Containers","Components","Navigation" there is folder "Styles" that holds files for each of their items.


In the config folder there are the config files used to set up your FireBase connection, Push etc. Covered in the Config guide here.

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