Setting up

To setup your admin panel, just open settings.js .

Firebase setup

To connect to your Firebase intance.

NOTE: Be carefull on the ".

It has to be

"apiKey": "YOUR API KEY",

and not

apiKey: "YOUR API KEY",.

Google Firebase by default will give you without ".

Go in your firebase console and grab the web settings.

  "apiKey": "YOUR API KEY",
  "authorizationPushKey": "YOUR API KEY",
  "authDomain": "YOUR DOMAIN",
  "databaseURL": "YOUR DB URL",
  "storageBucket": "YOUR BUCKET",
  "messagingSenderId": "SENDER ID",

Add Firebase menu

Add new navigation item that connects to your Firebase at specific path.

  • link - Is the file that will be open when clicked. For firebase scren enter firebase.php
  • path - Is the actual path got from firebase live database
  • name - Is the name of the menu
  • schema - Schema for this entity, can be null - if null, adding new items will not work
  • icon - font awesome icon
  • tableFields - Desired table fields, if empty, first 5 will be used
  • prefixForJoin - Display firebase object in table if it's key start with this string. {"-KX":"orders"} "-KX" is the prefix and "orders" is the name of the table

Example for Firebase menu

      "link": "firebase.php",
      "path": "Categories",
      "name": "Menu",
      "schema":{"items":[{"name":"Category name","description":"Category description","photo":"","items":[{"description":"Item description","info":{"Calories":""},"name":"Item name","photo":"","price":"12.00 $","prices":[{"price_info":"Price info","price_name":"Price name","price_value":"12"}]}]}]},

Example for normal menu

      "link": "index.php",
      "name": "Dashboard",

Define fields

In settings.js define your fields to play special action.

  • photoFields - Enter the keys of the fields that you want to become image pickers. You can list more than one. Images are uploaded on Firebase storage.
  • dropdowns - Set all the values of select HTML component. You can defined more than one drop down.
  • pushTopics - list your firebase notifications subscription topics

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